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15 Years of Google: What’s Your Favorite Product?



Happy Birthday, Google! Sept. 27 has become the day Google honors its own anniversary. Technically on Sept. 4, 1998, Sergey Brin and Larry Page incorporated the company that would go on to become the world’s largest search engine and offer products that touch nearly every part of our lives

From offering an email service to a web browser to a social networking platform to a navigation service, among many other products, Google has come a long way from the web crawler built in a Menlo Park, Calif., garage.

Among the many products that Google has created (and, at times, discontinued), what is your favorite Google product ever? Share your thoughts in the poll, and if your favorite product isn’t on the list, share it in the comments below. Read more…

More about Google, Google Maps, Google Reader, Android, and Gmail

Read more : 15 Years of Google: What’s Your Favorite Product?

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