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Severe Thunderstorms Could Increase 40% by 2070



If you follow climate science at all, you’ve probably heard that a warming world is likely to generate more nasty weather and a lot more weather extremes, kind of like the extreme droughts and then torrential flooding that Colorado, New Mexico and other western states have experienced. Well that also goes for severe thunderstorms and tornadoes, according to a new study by researchers who used a new computer simulation to test the conditions which generate tornadoes.

Their results suggests that we and our progeny are in for some pretty terrible twisters in coming decades — a lot like those that ripped up the U.S. in 2012. Specifically, by the year 2070 severe thunderstorms in the eastern United States could rise by 40%, the researchers say. Ouch. Read more…

More about Weather, Climate Change, Science, Green Living, and Tornadoes

Read more : Severe Thunderstorms Could Increase 40% by 2070

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