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CloudOn Brings Its Mobile Productivity Suite To The Web


CloudOn, the popular iOS and Android app for viewing and editing Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint files, is coming to the web today. After signing up more than 5 million users through its mobile app, the company has now decided that it’s time to embrace the web in order to become a hub for content editing and sharing.

The service currently works with Google Chrome and Apple Safari. Support for Firefox and Internet Explorer is in the works.

CloudOn always had greater ambitions than “just” being a very popular mobile productivity app. The latest mobile versions already showed some of this with the addition of a basic activity stream for shared documents. Today, it’s pushing this idea forward by adding an even more in-depth activity stream with information about every edit, action and message to its service. This new FileSpace, as the company calls it, is meant to give team members more context about the documents they are working on.

“Over a billion documents are shared by email every day, and users spend an average of 100 minutes every week searching old email for content,” said Jay Zaveri, VP of Product at CloudOn in a statement today. “At CloudOn we really care about how users organize and share documents. This latest launch not only gives users the comfort of accessing CloudOn through a browser but also enables team sharing and editing of docs in a convenient and easy way.”

Just like the mobile apps, the web version integrates with Box, Dropbox, Google Drive and SkyDrive. CloudOn, as its CEO and founder Milind Gadekar has told me in the past, isn’t interested in becoming a file storage service itself, so it’s relying on third-party services for handling files.

Read more : CloudOn Brings Its Mobile Productivity Suite To The Web

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