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Neil Patrick Harris Teases Emmys Dance Number in Google+ Hangout



Emmys host Neil Patrick Harris is touting Sunday’s big dance number involving nominees from the Outstanding Choreography category

In a Google+ Hangout, the How I Met Your Mother star previewed the upcoming performance, discussed Emmy chances for Netflix show House of Cards and revealed he’s only episodes deep into Breaking Bad‘s first season.

“You’ll see me dance — let me tell you something, if there’s one thing that I love to do, it’s to break out into dance,” said Harris, who also danced and sang as host of the 2009 Emmys.

Harris’ “crazy, cool” dance will coincide with the first time the Outstanding Choreography winner will be announced at the Primetime Emmys. Previously, the category was part of the Creative Arts portion of the Emmys Read more…

More about Entertainment, Tv, Emmys, Dance, and Neil Patrick Harris

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