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The 10 Most Anticipated Fall TV Shows on Facebook



Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. had nearly 1 million Facebook Likes ahead of its Sept. 24 premiere on ABC. However, less than 20,000 people were talking about the show on the social network at the time.

In contrast, Fox’s Sleepy Hollow, which premiered on Wednesday, has less than half the amount of Likes (322,900) — but more than 10 times the number of people were talking about the show (272,658). This suggests an upswing in Facebook chatter for Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. next week after its premiere.

Statista‘s chart, below, shows the 10 fall TV shows with the most Likes on Facebook in anticipation of — as well as at the time of — their series premieres. Data was collected on Thursday. Read more…

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