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As iGoogle Nears Its End, ‘My Yahoo’ Gets Beautiful Redesign



Yahoo has launched a complete redesign of its dated My Yahoo.

It’s been more than six years since the company touched My Yahoo, the homepage customization concept, but it’s timing for a new look couldn’t be more perfect: Google announced last year it’s pulling the plug on similar service iGoogle, so loyal users may be looking for a new place to go come November

This is the latest of many redesign efforts we’ve seen from Yahoo this year, joining the overhaul of its homepage, its photo-sharing site Flickr and most recently, the logo. Under the direction of CEO Marissa Mayer, the move is part of an effort to make the once-struggling company more relevant and modern Read more…

More about Yahoo, Google, Mobile, My Yahoo, and Tech

Read more : As iGoogle Nears Its End, ‘My Yahoo’ Gets Beautiful Redesign

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