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Pandora Gets a New Logo, Redesigned iOS Apps



Along with the launch of its redesigned iOS 7 apps Wednesday Pandora as a whole is seeing a little bit of a design update in the form of a new logo.

The new logo will appear on Pandora’s website, and a new icon will replace Pandora’s current logo for its mobile apps.


While the new look may seem like it was prompted by iOS 7, the operating system actually wasn’t the catalyst for the change.

“We started work on the update to the Pandora brand and identity about a year ago,” Pandora CTO and EVP of Product told Mashable.

“I wish I could tell you that my predictive powers were such that I knew back then that all of this would intersect with the iOS 7 launch to the day – but we’re not quite that good. “ Read more…

More about Apps, Pandora, Ipad, and Ios 7

Read more : Pandora Gets a New Logo, Redesigned iOS Apps

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