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Ben Affleck Responds to ‘Batman’ Backlash: ‘I Handle Sh*t’



When Ben Affleck was cast as Batman in Zack Synder’s Man of Steel sequel, we quickly heard everyone’s opinions (read: expletives, pleas, freak outs and panic) on the matter.

But the one voice we hadn’t heard was from the actor himself, until now. Affleck appeared on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon and finally addressed the fan backlash

“[Your kids] have to be psyched, cause Daddy’s going to be Batman now,” Fallon said, prompting the conversation on Affleck’s new role

Affleck handled the whole thing casually and light-heartedly, saying he was especially excited because “every kid should see their dad as a superhero.” Read more…

More about Batman, Jimmy Fallon, Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Watercooler, and Videos

Read more : Ben Affleck Responds to ‘Batman’ Backlash: ‘I Handle Sh*t’

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