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Trends at SXSW 2011: RWW Founder Richard MacManus Interviewed by WebBeat.TV

At the end of SXSW Interactive, I was interviewed by WebBeat.TV’s Pelpina Trip. We discussed what was, in my view, the main trend of the event: group messaging. The ReadWriteWeb team tested a couple of these products, Beluga and GroupMe. We ended up using Beluga for the duration of SXSW, to keep in touch with team members in real time (see also Mike Melanson’s analysis of these apps). I also discussed with Pelpina the story that ReadWriteWeb’s Marshall Kirkpatrick broke at SXSW about a new social networking product from Google. It was arguably the biggest tech story published during the event and continues to generate discussion to this day. Full video below!



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