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Fortified’s ‘Indestructible’ Bike Lights Guarantee Anti-Theft Protection



Cyclists who ride between dusk and dawn know that a sturdy bike light is key for safety. To address this need, a group of self-proclaimed “bike geeks” has designed what it is calling “indestructible” lights

Fortified Bicycle Alliance is a team of students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. With more than a month remaining, Fortified’s Kickstarter campaign for its ultra-durable front and rear bicycle lights — the Aviator and Afterburner, respectively — has already doubled its $24,000 funding goal.

The team said it was inspired to launch after a friend had his bike light stolen, and was subsequently hit by a car, according Fortified’s page on the crowdfunding platform. To combat would-be thieves, Fortified’s lights lock onto a bicycle’s seat post and handlebars using a “proprietary security screw.” Read more…

More about Bicycle, Cycling, Usb, Kickstarter, and Led Light

Read more : Fortified’s ‘Indestructible’ Bike Lights Guarantee Anti-Theft Protection

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