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Turn Your Smartphone Into a Microscope With Single Lens



Smartphone users who are itching to photograph objects too small for the naked eye can rest assured — the Micro Phone Lens turns your iPhone or Android camera phone into a portable handheld microscope.

The Micro Phone Lens is a soft lens that sticks directly onto the camera lens on the back of your phone. Users can then zoom into 15X magnification in high focus. The minimum camera requirement is 5 megapixels.

At the time of writing, the Kickstarter campaign for the lens exceeded its $5,000 goal nearly 20 times over. Creator Thomas Larson told Mashable that the project reached its goal in just over one day. Read more…

More about Camera Phone, Iphone, Camera, Kickstarter, and Tech

Read more : Turn Your Smartphone Into a Microscope With Single Lens

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