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Marissa Mayer: ‘We Get 12,000 Resumes a Week’



Yahoo gets 12,000 resumes each week, the same number of people it currently employs, company CEO Marissa Mayer said on Wednesday.

“For every job we have, we get a resume each week,” Mayer said during TechCrunch Disrupt, a technology conference in San Francisco

Yahoo is hiring new employees all the time, she added

The company has surpassed 800 million daily active users — not including Tumblr, which it acquired earlier this year — representing a 20% increase in traffic since Mayer took the post in July 2012

She described Yahoo as one big startup: “Our attitude is to be really scrappy.” Read more…

More about Yahoo, Marissa Mayer, and Tech

Read more : Marissa Mayer: ‘We Get 12,000 Resumes a Week’

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