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Apple’s Market Cap Has Lost Nearly $200 Billion Since iPhone 5



Apple is a much different company now than it was at this time a year ago — at least in the eyes of Wall Street.

In the months leading up to the iPhone 5 launch last Sept. 12, analysts speculated that Apple’s stock was on its way to hitting $1,000 and that the company might be the first with a $1 trillion market valuation. For the first few days after the launch event, Apple did indeed seem headed in that direction: the stock hit $700 a share for the first time less than a week later and its market cap topped $650 billion

Then things started to head in the wrong direction. Opening weekend sales for the iPhone 5 came in lower than some analysts had expected, and multiple reports chalked it up to supply problems limiting Apple’s ability to ship enough devices to meet demand Read more…

More about Apple, Stocks, Iphone 5, Business, and Gadgets

Read more : Apple’s Market Cap Has Lost Nearly $200 Billion Since iPhone 5

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