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Google+ Introduces Embedded Posts



Google+ introduced a couple of new features on Monday, including a new tool that allows bloggers and content creators to embed public Google+ posts on other sites

Users who wish to highlight a Google+ post within a news story or on a personal blog can do so by clicking the “Embed post” tab from the drop down menu in the post’s upper righthand corner. Users can then copy and paste the available line of code to embed the post, including text and photos

Once a post is embedded on another site, it should still be fully interactive, according to a Google+ blog post, meaning users can +1 a post, comment, or follow the post’s author from the embed. “We want to make it easy to expand your audience across the web,” wrote Seth Sternberg, Director of Google+ Platform. Google+ was already testing this feature with specific publications like Sports Illustrated and National Geographic, but it is now available to all users Read more…

More about Google, Facebook, Twitter, Social Media, and Embedded Posts

Read more : Google+ Introduces Embedded Posts

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