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LevelEleven Raises $2M For Sales Motivation App From, A Former NBA Star And An NFL Offensive Tackle


LevelEleven, a developer of gamification apps, has raised $2 million from Detroit Venture Partners, Hyde Park Venture Partners, and a group of investors, including two professional athletes. The company will use the funding to build out its service designed for salespeople.

The company’s flagship app, Compete, drives competition between sales people through contests that are built and deployed by sales managers. It’s the No. 1 gamification app on the platform. Compete was originally called Contest Builder, but the company re-branded it last May with an update and new user interface.

CEO Bob Marsh said the company will extend beyond the platform, noting that the CRM giant is the dominant player in the market but only owns 14 percent of it. The primary focus will remain on Salesforce but it does initially have plans to develop for third-party apps that integrate into

Of note is the interest from former NBA star Jamal Mashburn and current NFL player Winston Justice who used the LevelEleven news to make its initial investment out of their new fund, Mashburn Justice Capital Partners.

In a prepared statement, Mashburn said they have tracked LevelEleven’s progress over the past year and were impressed with its growth.

“Given our athletic backgrounds, both Winston and I understand the motivational element inherent in competition,” Mashburn said. “We believe that same competitive fire that drives us as professional athletes can be applied to the business world in order to motivate sales teams, so the decision to invest in LevelEleven was an easy one.”

Read more : LevelEleven Raises $2M For Sales Motivation App From, A Former NBA Star And An NFL Offensive Tackle

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