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"I Killed a Man": A YouTube Confession for a Drunken Car Crash



In a YouTube video posted this week, a 22-year-old confessed that he was drunk when he crashed his pickup truck into another car while driving the wrong way on a highway, resulting in the death of another man.

Matthew Cordle contacted the website Because I Said I Would on Aug. 9 to arrange his confession regarding the June 22 crash, according to a post on the site.

Because I Said I Would encourages people to make promise cards to “remember the importance of your commitments and goals.” Ohio native Alex Sheen started the site last year to honor the memory of his recently deceased father, an avid keeper of promises. Read more…

More about Youtube, Social Media, Drunk Driving, Car Crash, and Us World

Read more : "I Killed a Man": A YouTube Confession for a Drunken Car Crash

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