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‘Moto Match’ Creates a Moto X Based on Your Facebook Photos



Motorola is offering a new way to customize your Moto X smartphone — with the help of your Facebook photos.

A new Facebook app launching on Thursday lets you create a custom Moto X based on the colors in photos from your Facebook albums. When you find a combination you like, you can finish the process using Motorola’s Moto Maker and have your smartphone creation sent to your doorstep.

“We wanted to provide [customers] with the opportunity to design a smartphone that is really theirs. It expresses their individual style. It expresses what they love, so they can show that off to the world,” Jennifer Henry, director of global marketing and communication at Motorola, told Mashable. Read more…

More about Motorola, Facebook, Tech, Apps Software, and Mobile

Read more : ‘Moto Match’ Creates a Moto X Based on Your Facebook Photos

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