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Ping App Wants to Make Email Fun Again



“We need to put human conversation back in the center of email if it will ever function properly again,” said Erez Pilosof

The startup co-founder hopes to do just that with his new messaging app, Ping. It launches later this month and is a hybrid between email and messaging apps.

“Thanks to the massive popularity of social networks and messaging apps, people now communicate in a more brief, casual way with different kinds of media woven into each conversation,” said Pilosof

Ping represents a reimagination of the traditional email experience, turning it into an experience much like you might find in messaging apps like MessageMe and What’sApp. The app works with most major email providers (Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, iCloud) for email services, but also works as a dedicated messaging app. Read more…

More about Email, Iphone, App, Ping, and Tech

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