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Hands On With the Samsung Galaxy Note 3



The Samsung Galaxy Note 3, the latest model in the Galaxy Note line of phones, is more of an evolutionary upgrade than a revolutionary one. The physical changes aren’t noticeable at first, but some make a real difference. At the same time, there are a few new features that will probably appeal to power users — the Note’s key audience.

Held in hand, the Note 3 feels very much like the Note II. That’s because Samsung labored to keep the width of the phone the same even while bumping up the screen size to 5.7 inches. Samsung clearly doesn’t want to get into the territory marked by the 6.3-inch Samsung Galaxy Mega — nor should it. The Note 3 feels big, but not ridiculously so (though those with smaller hands may have a different experience). Read more…

More about Samsung, Galaxy Note, Tech, Mobile, and Galaxy Note 3

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