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Hubble Telescope Spots ‘Cosmic Caterpillar’ 6 Trillion Miles Long



The Hubble Space Telescope has captured what scientists are describing as a “cosmic caterpillar” nearly 6 trillion miles long slinking through deepspace.

The celestial critter in the new Hubble telescope photo is actually a cloud of gas stretching one light-year (10 trillion kilometers) across, scientists said. This cloud is in the process of collapsing under its own gravity to give birth to a star — but it’s a race against time, because the established bright stars in its vicinity are fighting this process.

There are 65 extremely hot, bright stars lurking nearby the cloud, visible on the right side of the image. A powerful stellar wind is blowing out from these stars, as well as 500 less bright companions nearby, gradually eroding the caterpillar cloud. Read more…

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