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Sky broadcasts its first live football match in 4K Ultra HD, but not to the public

Super hi-definition, crystal-clear Ultra HD may be expensive for home-viewing, but it’s gaining momentum. Back in June, Sony showcased the potential by planting tiny adverts on a tennis player at Wimbledon, and just today news emerged of the first 4K video-recording smartphone.

And now UK satellite broadcaster BSkyB (‘Sky’) has broadcast the UK’s first live event in Ultra HD. At Upton Park on Saturday, Sky beamed the match between West Ham United and Stoke City in 4K, to a specially selected audience at its London headquarters.

Though the company had dabbled previously in 4K broadcasts, notably during a Champions’ League match last season with a couple of handheld 4K devices, this represented the first proper production featuring multiple cameras.

Nothing has been announced in terms of when this may be rolled out to the general public, but it likely won’t be any time soon given that 4K TVs have yet to properly infiltrate livingrooms around the country. But it’s a step in the right direction.

Sky Broadcasts the UK’s First Live Event in Ultra HD

Read more : Sky broadcasts its first live football match in 4K Ultra HD, but not to the public

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