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Acer Unveils 6-Inch Liquid S2 Smartphone With 4K Recording



Though IFA Berlin is officially four days away, Acer has decided to unveil its product lineup, starting with a huge smartphone called the Acer Liquid S2

The device sports a monstrous 6-inch, 1920×1080 pixel screen, a 13-megapixel camera on the back (coupled with a 2MP shooter on the front), LED ring flash, a quad-core 2.2GHz processor, 2GB of RAM and 16GB of storage memory.

Its claim to fame, however, consists of some pretty advanced camera capabilities, starting with 4K video recording — Acer claims it’s the first ever smartphone to have that feature. The camera can also record full HD video at 60 FPS as well as take 27-megapixel panoramas. Read more…

More about Acer, 4k, Ifa, Tech, and Mobile

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