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Top 10 Tech Priorities of CIOs in India

Gartner logo 150x150 Want a more global perspective of enterprise technology trends? Gartner’s 2011 CIO Agenda survey included responses from 2,014 CIOs across 50 countries and 38 industries. In a recent announcement, Gartner detailed the responses of 36 top CIOs in India.

Cloud and mobile technologies beat more traditional concerns like enterprise resource planning and network communications.


According to Gartner, the top 10 technology priorities for CIOs in India are:

  1. Cloud computing
  2. Mobile technologies
  3. Virtualization
  4. Enterprise resource management (ERP)
  5. Enterprise applications
  6. Business process management (BPM)
  7. IT Management
  8. Network, voice and data communications
  9. Business intelligence (BI)
  10. Analytics

Although none of the CIOs polled are currently running the majority of their applications in the cloud, 67% of the respondents in India say they expect to be mostly in the cloud within the next four years. One of the reasons for this push is that CIOs want to re-allocate the funds that are spent on day-to-day operations to more strategic projects.

In the past we’ve covered what both IT managers and IT workers can do to prepare for the changing skill requirements of the enterprise.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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