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Ask A VC: Bessemer Venture Partners’ Ethan Kurzweil On The Evolution Of Developer Platforms And More

In this week’s episode of Ask A VC, Bessemer Venture Partners’ Ethan Kurzweil joined us in the studio.

Kurzweil, who leads Bessemer’s roadmap on developer platforms and has led investments in Twilio and SendGrid, talked about the biggest changes he’s seen in developer platforms. One observation he made was that companies are tapping to separate developer platform for different functions. So startups are looking to Stripe for payments, Twilio for communications, SendGrid for email and so on.

Check out what area Kurzweil predicts will be the next big service for developers and more.

Read more : Ask A VC: Bessemer Venture Partners’ Ethan Kurzweil On The Evolution Of Developer Platforms And More

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