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Three Tech Companies That Raised Funding Today – Which Moves You the Most? (Poll)

piggy_sep10.jpgEvery day behind the scenes, investors and startups are putting their heads together to make new bets on what they hope will become the technologies of the future. Today three very different kinds of tech companies, each related to the topics we cover here at ReadWriteWeb, revealed new investments.

One wants to make our the battery power on devices we access the web from last longer. The second is a company that helps others navigate the world of Facebook advertising. The third is a stealthy provider of anti-malware services that models its web traffic analysis software off of the workings of biological science. These three companies just got a boost to keep working to bring their technologies to market. As we often like to do in rounding up funding news, we’d like to ask in a poll: which of these companies intrigues you the most, readers?



Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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