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What Instagram Did For Photography, This App Will Do For Design



The Launchpad is a series that introduces Mashable readers to compelling startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here.

Name: Studio

One-Liner Pitch: Studio is the Instagram for design.

Why It’s Taking Off: Most social networks revolve around consumption but Studio puts the focus on creation, providing simple tools that allow users to create beautiful layered designs.

If the navigation buttons in Photoshop make you want to cry, you may be able to nurse your inner creative with a new app that recently launched on iPhone

The app, called Studio, comes from a team of seasoned app developers, and while their other apps have seen success, this is the one they’d like to turn into a company. The team is currently in accelerator BoomStartup in Utah. Read more…

More about Design, Iphone App, Tech, Apps Software, and The Launchpad

Read more : What Instagram Did For Photography, This App Will Do For Design

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