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Kristin Chenoweth Duet With Teacher Stuns Audience



Kristin Chenoweth discovered a superstar during a performance at the Hollywood Bowl on Saturday

The Broadway star plucked Sarah Horn, a vocal coach from California, from the audience to sing a duet from the musical Wicked with her. The moment could have ended in an out-of-tune disaster, but instead, a magical moment followed

The duo tackled the tune “For Good,” with Chenoweth kicking off the song in the role of Glinda. Horn stepped in as Elphaba, and not only met Chenoweth pitch for pitch, but even stole the show

Even the Los Angles Philharmonic conductor turned around in disbelief at Horn’s vocal talent. The video of the unexpectedly lovely pairing has gone viral, garnering more than 2 million hits in just three days Read more…

More about Viral Videos, Wicked, Music, Watercooler, and Videos

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