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Flipboard, Now Rocking with Rolling Stone Magazine

flipboard_rs.jpgOne of our favorite iPad apps here at ReadWriteWeb just got a little more awesome today, as Flipboard now includes a special version of Rolling Stone. You can add the music magazine to list of other publications, blogs, photos and feeds you can view via the Flipboard app.

A confession: I am a long-time Rolling Stone subscriber. A long time. It’s the one magazine I still receive in the mail. Go ahead and judge me. It’s okay. I read it for the articles. Or something.


No, I read it for the photos. I read it for the gossip. I read it for the reviews. I read it for the experience of paging through a magazine (which, for those of you who haven’t picked up a copy in a while, is now smaller and glossier). And, no doubt, I read it because I snagged one of those insanely cheap “5 year renewal” sorts of deals.


As it stands, some of my favorite features of the magazine are missing: the page at the back with the charts, the collection of snapshots from various parties. And with all the praises heaped upon the iPad and Flipboard reading experiences, it’s hard not to look at the pages recreated here and miss the striking photography that accompanies the print version of the magazine. I’ll probably re-subscribe – don’t worry Rolling Stone. Just stick Johnny Depp’s face on one of your little subscription renewal postcards. That gets me every time.

Hey, I’m a fan. So I’m pleased to see Rolling Stone on Flipboard. If nothing else, its inclusion in the iPad app will give a better reading experience for the magazine’s breaking news and interviews, particularly since the print version won’t show up for weeks.


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