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Announcement : Google’s Peter Magnusson to Keynote ZendCon 2013

Zend is excited to announce that the mid-day keynote on the first official conference day at ZendCon 2013 will be presented by Pete Magnusson, Director of Engineering at Google.


Title:               The rise of the Cloud Native developer
Date:               October 8, 2013 PM
Speakers:       Peter S Magnusson

Google has spent years building out some of the most robust and scalable infrastructure in the world. Our data centres span the globe and our services support hundreds of millions of users daily. This in turn requires that we build our services to be highly available, react quickly to changing traffic and cost effective to run.

These problems are no longer the domain of large service providers like Google – organisations large and small around the world are demanding the same economy, scale and resilience in their own services. As online businesses become more global and play a larger role in our economy, the lessons from building elastic, distributed systems become increasingly important to every developer.

We’ll talk about some of the important and sometimes unexpected lessons we’ve learned at Google in building for the cloud – such as the importance of lightweight execution containers, relying on failure, and how to overcome the speed of light when building distributed systems.

And we will cover the rise of the “Cloud Native” developer – how engineers and organisations large and small now using these principles to build truly robust and scalable services, and businesses.

Peter is an Engineering Director at Google where he works with Google Cloud Platform products, including leading the Google App Engine team. Before joining Google, he wrote the Simics simulator and founded Virtutech, acquired by Intel in 2010. He is a graduate of the Stockholm School of Economics, the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and is a 2012 ACM Fellow.

Read more : Announcement : Google’s Peter Magnusson to Keynote ZendCon 2013

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