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Party With TechCrunch At Disrupt SF


There ain’t no party like a TechCrunch party. And with that bit of trivia, I’m excited to announce that this year, tickets to TechCrunch Disrupt SF after parties will be available to the general public.

These parties are mostly reserved for Disrupt attendees. Buy a Disrupt general admission ticket and you’re granted access to the three day conference and all the parties listed below. But we’re trying something new for Disrupt SF 2013 and are making a very limited number of tickets available for purchase.

There are three parties. Tickets are available for each and include drinks. And of course tickets are available for the full conference and all the parties.

For many Disrupt attendees, the parties are the most exciting part of the conference. It’s where founders, VCs, and developers let loose. While the conference itself is massive and pitches are flying from every which way, these parties are often the best place to actually do a little schmoozing.

Sure, the parties are loud. And boozy. And that’s why they’re great.

September 9th @ Mighty hosted by New Relic
September 10th @ Temple hosted by SAP
September 11th @ 1015 Folsom hosted by




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