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Google is Losing Top Talent; Twitter is Growing It

Quick, think of a major tech company where top talent has been heading for the exits over the last year or more. Time’s up.

Chances are you thought of Yahoo, right? Well, you’re not wrong. Add up all the executives who arrived and those who left the troubled search and media site in 2012 so far — those notable enough to make it into the tech news — and you get minus 11.

But here’s the surprising thing: Google’s brain drain number is exactly the same, minus 11. There’s one executive who features in both counts, of course. Tipping the scales here: Marissa Mayer, former Googler and new Yahoo CEO.

Microsoft, Zynga and Apple have all experienced a smaller net loss of top executives s…
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More About: Google, Twitter, Yahoo, trending, wavii

Read more : Google is Losing Top Talent; Twitter is Growing It

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