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YouTube’s 10 Most-Shared Ads in July

1. DC Shoes: Ken Block’s Gymkhana Five: Ultimate Urban Playground, San Francisco

The most-shared ad of July is a riveting, white-knuckle adrenaline ride through the streets of San Francisco.

Watching Ken Block rip and shred through turns is a pure delight for speed junkies and gearheads. Anyone who winces at car crashes in movies – this is not for you. But good luck looking away.

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Success on YouTube is a tricky thing. It takes the right mix of several different factors to make a video’s share count truly skyrocket.

The list of videos we’ve compiled prominently feature some of those winning themes. The top ad is a rip-roaring race through the streets of San Francisco. The camera work is gritty and dynamic and feels like a chase scene from a Hollywood blockbuster. It puts you in the driver’s seat, the wheel well, the hood and in the sky as the driver careens around turns and flies over hills.

SEE ALSO: Top 5 Viral Videos: The Animal Edition

Political ads have begun to appear in the top ten and that’s no surprise due to the fast-approaching American electi…
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More About: Advertising, Business, YouTube, features, trending, viral videos

Read more : YouTube’s 10 Most-Shared Ads in July

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