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Google launches online London Olympics hub, reeling in content from across all its products

UK2 489x245 Google launches online London Olympics hub, reeling in content from across all its products

Unless you’ve been holed up in a cave somewhere these past few weeks, you’ve probably noticed that a special sporting event is kicking off in the UK tomorrow.

Yup, the London Olympics is getting underway, seven years after the UK capital won the rights to hold the prestigious contest. It’s expected that almost five billion people around the world will tune in at some point to watch the Games, and Google has jumped on the bandwagon by putting together a new online hub for the occasion, at Though it seems it’s not available to everyone globally, including those in the US.

GOLYMPICS 520x228 Google launches online London Olympics hub, reeling in content from across all its products

The hub will incorporate updates, results and other key content covering the 16-day event – for example, it looks like you’ll be able to track all the medals as they’re awarded on an interactive map.

GOLYMPICS2 520x229 Google launches online London Olympics hub, reeling in content from across all its products

Posted in Android, Editorial Pick, Freelancing, Inspiration, Technology, Web, World.

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