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Serena Williams Invests In Mobli, Will Use It To Snap Pics/Video At Olympics

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Serena Williams, tennis superstar and Olympic hopeful, has invested in Mobli, a real-time photo and video sharing mobile application. As an investor she joins Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Lance Armstrong – a couple of actors and cyclist you may have heard of.

Although the nature of her investment has not been made clear (this may be one those equity-for-promotion deals), Williams will now use the app to update her fans (she has 2.9 million Twitter followers and is pretty engaged online) with her Olympic exploits. You can see her channel here.

Mobli was founded by Israeli entrepreneur Moshe Hogeg, who’s vision is to build out the platform into a visual search engine.

However, Williams will have to tread carefully. Olympic athletes are banned from promoting companies which are not official Olympics sponsors during the games. And it’s unclear whether using a photo sharing app would fall foul of those rules or not. Needless to say, Mobli is not an official Olympics sponsor.

You can get the iOS app here.

Read more : Serena Williams Invests In Mobli, Will Use It To Snap Pics/Video At Olympics

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