Photos save our memories, yet fumbling to upload them can cut those moments short. But Flock lets you snap and forget, and then later collects photos from you and friends you were with into privately shared albums. Flock for iOS combines brilliant social design with the underutilized photo location API to simplify sharing. Instead of clumsily selecting privacy settings, it suggests you share with any of your Facebook friends who use Flock and also took photos at the same time and place.
Flock is the new app from the makers of Bump. Alongside Pay With Square, it could lead a movement of apps that we don’t have to remember to use, they just magically take care of us.
Bump is one of the most popular apps of all time. It will hit 100 million downloads later this summer. It set out to solve the problem that when you meet someone new, your interaction shouldn’t be interrupted by using fiddling with email or text message or writing a note to exchange contact info. You just physically collide two devices with Bump installed and it transfers your contact info.
The same philosophy of preserving human interaction and preventing us from having to stare at our devices was built into Flock. It’s designed not to tack on actions to typical photo shooting behavior.
Read more : Bump’s New App Flock Creates Shared Photo Albums With Friends Without Interrupting Your Life
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