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eBay’s Magento eCommerce platform now offers UK specific features

card660 520x245 eBays Magento eCommerce platform now offers UK specific features

Magento, an eCommerce platform provider and division of X.commerce, the eBay company, has announced the release of its new UK-specific features for Magento Go.

Magento Go is a Software as a Service (SaaS) version of the company’s eCommerce platform  and the firm hopes that these new features will better meet the expectations of merchants in the UK.

The Magento Go platform aims to give merchants and developers more tools to deliver a more appealing shopping experience. This includes order management, customer analytics, and customisable coupons and gift cards.

The service can be customised to meet the needs of online businesses and the company has worked to provide a solution that means no coding, hardware or software management is required.

The latest move takes into account the specific things that UK sellers need. As Roy Rubin, general manager of Magento and chief product and customer officer of X.commerce points out, “We’re continuing to see an uplift in merchants based in the UK who are facing unique tax laws and shipping regulations. Magento Go is now equipped with additional market-relevant features to help our UK customers more effectively compete in the crowded online space.”

magneto520 eBays Magento eCommerce platform now offers UK specific features

Following its initial launch in February 2011, Magento Go has already seen an uptake in the UK. The new features that should appeal to these customers include local shipping, which enables Royal Mail integration and unit prices that include VAT on an entire order.

The UK’s latest cookie restrictions are also included so that site visitors can clearly see compliance and a PayPal flow has been added with Express Checkout built-in.

For UK merchants, the product is now available at £9.99 per month and there’s a free trial for those who have not yet decided on how they prefer to manage their site.

Magento was acquired by eBay in August 2011 and is now a division of X.commerce, Inc.

Image Credit: Jorge Franganillo 

Read more : eBay’s Magento eCommerce platform now offers UK specific features

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