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StackSocial Raises Seed Funding, Launches Platform Publicly


StackSocial, a digital commerce startup that aims to match web publishers with readers, publicly launched its platform and announced an $800,000 seed round today.

Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but the funding round was over-subscribed and came from 500 Startups, Tim Draper, Paige Craig, Siemer Ventures, Amplify, Jim Pallotta, Rick Merrill, Josh Resnick, Mark Schwartz and Jeff Lapin.

The company, part of the first batch of startups from the Los Angeles accelerator Amplify, is coming out of beta, which it launched in October. Co-founders Josh Payne and Stefan Wrobel say their platform “offers web publishers a dead-simple way to integrate relevant commerce into their sites with zero up-front investment,” allowing them to “diversify their revenue sources beyond advertising while also providing added-value content to readers.”

Payne and Wrobel say they have recorded over 50,000 transactions since launching and their users have saved over $7.5 million off retail by purchasing through the platform.

Read more : StackSocial Raises Seed Funding, Launches Platform Publicly

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