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Broadcast Your Tweets From Space With SkyCube [VIDEO]

Turn the universe into your Twitterverse. Instead of broadcasting your 140 characters to just your followers, why not get your point across by broadcasting to infinity and beyond?

Kickstarter campaign SkyCube is trying to make that possible, but first the group needs help to get the satellite off the ground. SkyCube founder Tim DeBenedictis is hoping crowdsourcing will get enough funding for liftoff, and in return for investing, SkyCube will let you write a tweet to be sent to and from the satellite.

SEE ALSO: Your Tweets to Be Beamed Across Space. Will ET RT?

In addition, if you invest and get the SkyCube app you will receive the photos the…
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More About: Gadgets, Twitter, kickstarter, space

Read more : Broadcast Your Tweets From Space With SkyCube [VIDEO]

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