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Students Seeking Startup Workshops: Lean Startup Machine Announces Branch Scholarship

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Lean Startup Machine wants to bring some young blood to its startup workshops — on its own dime.

The new initiative is called the Branch Scholarship Program, supposedly because it was inspired by the founders of Branch, a startup that aims “to turn the Internet’s monologues into dialogues” and has backing from The Obvious Corporation. Branch co-founders Josh Miller and Hursh Agrawal both received scholarships from Lean Startup Machine last year, and they met for the first time at the workshop, where they decided to drop out of school and start a company.

Moving forward, Lean Startup Machine says it will be offering two scholarships to each of its next 200 events. CEO and founder Trevor Owen says “students will be chosen based on initiative they have shown to help other entrepreneurs in the community.” And since each Lean Startup Machine ticket costs $300, the company estimates that it will be giving out a total of $120,000 in scholarships.

The workshops take three days and cover the lean startup methodology. Upcoming cities on the agenda Washington, D.C., Sao Paolo, and Singapore.

You can apply for a scholarship here.

Read more : Students Seeking Startup Workshops: Lean Startup Machine Announces Branch Scholarship

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