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Velti Mobile Ad Report: Israel Sees Highest App Engagement, eCPMs Are Climbing


Velti has just released its mobile ad industry report for June. As usual, the mobile marketing company has chosen to highlight disparate factoids that it culled from the data — for example, it says that Israel is the leader in app engagement, with adults using apps for an average of 80 minutes per day. Sweden and Singapore are next on the list, while the United States is way behind, with only 38 minutes spent in apps on average.

The report also looks at trends in eCPMs, i.e., the amount paid by advertisers for every thousand impressions. There’s a lot of talk about how those numbers are lower on mobile, but at least Velti says that for the most part, eCPMs increased from May to June. In sports, average eCPMs increased 23 percent (to 76 cents), and in games they increased 20 percent (to 90 cents). However, the most lucrative categories are still weather ($1) and education (91 cents).

On the device front, iOS has claimed an increasing percentage of Velti’s ad impressions for the past few months, and the gap widened in June, with iOS accounting for 62 percent of ad impressions compared to Android’s 38 percent. (The breakdown was 59-41 last month.) And Velti says that Samsung’s Galaxy devices are seeing “slow growth”, at least in terms of ad impressions — collectively they account for less than 5 percent of impressions, compared to 31 percent for iPhones and 9 percent for iPads.

The data is based on data from Velti’s Mobclix Exchange, which supposedly serves ads to more than 33,500 apps.

Read more : Velti Mobile Ad Report: Israel Sees Highest App Engagement, eCPMs Are Climbing

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