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Spoonflower Lets You Design And Sell Your Own Custom Fabric


Our trip to the Southeast a couple weeks back offered up plenty of cool tech companies, but one that lingers in the memory is Spoonflower. And not because the name is so… catchy, either.

The idea itself is actually quite interesting: Spoonflower lets the everyday Joe design their own fabric and have it printed to use for curtains, clothing, etc.

This means that you can upload an image of you and your family on vacation and have it printed on mercerized cotton for t-shirts, blankets, etc. But even better than that, aspiring fabric designers now have access to a huge online marketplace, as you also have the option of selling your wares on Spoonflower.

All you have to do is upload a JPG or TIF at 150 DPI and no larger than 25MB. From there, you can choose to center your image or repeat it in various ways like half-drop and half-brick.

Based on which cotton type you choose, prices range from $17.50 to $38 per yard, and the more fabric you order the more prices go down.

Click to view slideshow.

Read more : Spoonflower Lets You Design And Sell Your Own Custom Fabric

Posted in Startups, Web.

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