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T-Mobile Tweets That It’s Getting The Samsung Galaxy Note


We’ve seen the evidence pile up in front of us over the past couple months, but T-Mobile has just made the Galaxy Note‘s destiny official by the law of social media. After user @epicrivas asked “What’s up with the Galaxy Note for T-Mobile?” the carrier responded with the following:

There’s good and bad news. The good news is that we can all take a breather now that the company has finally confirmed what we’ve been expecting for quite some time. The bad news is that we aren’t really learning anything new. We’ll have to wait for a release from T-Mo before we can get into pricing and availability, but you can expect the same $249 on-contract price tag as we’re seeing over at AT&T.

Unfortunately, it would seem the one thing that didn’t leak out over the past few months is an availability date. Stay tuned though, and we’ll keep you abreast of any changes.

Read more : T-Mobile Tweets That It’s Getting The Samsung Galaxy Note

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