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Forget the rate-fixing scandal, Barclays Bank launches a Mobile Banking app for Android and iOS

BarclaysBank 520x245 Forget the rate fixing scandal, Barclays Bank launches a Mobile Banking app for Android and iOS

The widespread kudos received by Barclays bank following the launch of Pingit – its mobile money-transfer app – back in February, is long forgotten.

However, putting aside the recent rate-fixing scandal that subsequently eclipsed Barclays’ innovations in the mobile space, you could be forgiven for assuming that the UK bank already had a dedicated mobile banking app. But it seems it didn’t until recently.

Hitting Apple’s App Store and Google Play last week, the native app lets you manage your Barclays and personal Barclaycard accounts on the move. You can check your balance, view recent transactions, transfer funds between accounts, pay people that you have already added to your payee list and even locate your nearest Barclays branch or ATM.

To use the service, you have to be 16 or older, and you must register your UK mobile number with your current account. Your initial log-in to the app will require you to confirm your identity using PINsentry, or at a Barclays ATM.

a10 520x375 Forget the rate fixing scandal, Barclays Bank launches a Mobile Banking app for Android and iOS

It’s also worth noting that whilst business customers can use the app, it’s restricted to those with a debit card and who can make payments from their accounts without the need for extra signatories.

Both the Android and iOS apps can be downloaded for a fixed-rate (sorry, couldn’t help it…) of zero pounds, zero pence. Free, in other words.

➤ Barclays Mobile Banking: iOS

Read more : Forget the rate-fixing scandal, Barclays Bank launches a Mobile Banking app for Android and iOS

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