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General Catalyst And Andreessen Horowitz Parlay $4 Million On X-Googler Startup Parlay Labs

Screen shot 2012-07-11 at 2.47.21 PM

General Catalyst and Andreessen Horowitz have given $4 million in Series A to stealth startup Parlay Labs we’re hearing, with General Catalyst leading the round.

The newest member of the groundswell of enterprise communication startups, which includes TCDisrupt winners Yammer and UberConference, the Palo Alto based Parlay Labs wants to “reinvent the way people are communicating at work” according to its website.

While it’s difficult to parse exactly what this may mean, I’m going to make an educated guess and say they too are trying to improve the extremely broken conferencing space which, as anyone who’s ever been on a conference call can attest, is extremely broken.

Parlay Labs is the first post-acquisition project from Docuverse founders Shan Sinha and Jeremy Roy. Acquired by Google in 2010, Docuverse was a digital library of documents which eventually ended up bolstering Google Print. Sinha ran Google Enterprise Products until he and Roy left Google a month ago to focus on Parlay.

The company has a strong engineering team, comprised of other Ex-Googlers in addition to people from Apple and Microsoft and the MIT and Stanford-educated co-founders. They’re going to need it. From what we’re hearing, the team is experiencing “aggressive growth” and is hyper-focused on refining its product before its public launch.

Read more : General Catalyst And Andreessen Horowitz Parlay $4 Million On X-Googler Startup Parlay Labs

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