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Telltale Galaxy Note Documents Spotted On T-Mobile’s Website Ahead Of Launch


Well, if you needed any more proof that the Galaxy Note will soon make an appearance on T-Mobile’s store shelves, take a gander at this.

TmoNews has discovered that a slew of Galaxy Note related documents can be found by searching for — what else? — “Galaxy Note” on T-Mobile’s website. Sadly, there’s no word yet on whether or not that rumored July 11 release date is still in the cards.

The documents run the gamut from explanations of the device’s specs and features to a software overview to a how-to guide for using enormous handset. All in all there are 12 such documents detailing various aspects of Samsung’s fabulous phablet, though there’s little telling what specifically is inside of them at this point.

You see, when trying to open up the documents proper, users are prompted to login to their T-Mobile Support Community accounts, and all they get for bounding over that hurdle is an error message saying they aren’t authorized to see the document. It’s certainly a bummer that we can’t pore over those documents to see how (if at all) the T-Mobile version differs from its international and AT&T-bound relatives, but things aren’t all bad.

Some people are surely heartened to see that T-Mobile will soon be getting some big screen love (even though a brand new Galaxy Note may be just around the corner), and with any luck it’ll come bearing the same Ice Cream Sandwich update that the AT&T model just received. And for those of you who just can’t wait to surf on T-Mobile’s HSPA+ network with Samsung’s hefty handheld, well, let’s say just a little elbow grease can go a long way.

Read more : Telltale Galaxy Note Documents Spotted On T-Mobile’s Website Ahead Of Launch

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