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Next Issue Media, The Netflix For Magazines, Comes To The iPad


Magazine fans, rejoice: Next Issue Media, probably the easiest and most economical way for you to read your favorite titles, is now available on the iPad.

It’s not a perfect analogy, but the easiest way to explain the app is, yes, as Netflix for magazines. Next Issue is a joint venture from five big magazine publishers (namely Conde Nast, Hearst, Meredith, News Corp., and Time Inc.). For a monthly subscription fee of $14.99, readers get unlimited access to all of the magazines in the app’s catalog. You can also buy individual issues, subscribe to individual titles, or pay $9.99 nearly unlimited access (you get monthly and biweekly magazines, but not the weekly ones like The New Yorker and Time). Whatever your plan, CEO Morgan Guenther says he wants to create a newsstand-style experience, where you can browse and purchase multiple titles in one place, rather than opening up a new app (and learning new navigation styles) for each one.

Next Issue first launched in April, but only for Android tablets running Honeycomb or later, and with screen resolutions of 1024

Posted in Startups, Web.

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