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AT&T To Offer Exclusive Pink Lumia 900 Starting On July 15


If you thought the standard black, white, and cyan Lumia 900s just weren’t eye-catching enough, you may want to keep your schedule clear this Sunday.

Nokia confirmed earlier this year that they would spice up their flagship Lumia 900 line with a splash of magenta, but at the time they were awfully coy about when the device would actually ship. That’s thankfully no longer the case — according to a new post on the Nokia Conversations blog, AT&T will begin taking orders for the rosy Lumia 900 starting on July 15.

It’s a nice enough gesture I suppose, and there’s no such thing as too many choices, but let’s not forget what’s going to be released this fall. Windows Phone 8 is right around the corner and locking into a contract for a pretty new Lumia 900 means missing out on nearly all of the fun.

It seems like Nokia is trying to push as much Lumia 900 hardware out the door as they can at this point, though I’m curious how consumers will feel after Nokia and Microsoft start shifting their attention to their slew of next generation Windows Phones in just a few months. Oh, and in case you were curious, there’s no word yet on if the AT&T-exclusive color variant will see an international release.

Speaking on AT&T, they’re on quite an exclusive color kick this summer. In addition to the pink Lumia, the carrier will also be offering a red Galaxy S III at some point before the days grow short again, though they’ve yet to announce when rabid Samsung fans will be able to snag one.

Read more : AT&T To Offer Exclusive Pink Lumia 900 Starting On July 15

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