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Social Fitness Tracker Endomondo Hits 10 Million Users, Tracks 250K Workouts Each Day


Fitness tracking service Endomondo first launched back in 2008, and it seems they haven’t stopped picking up steam since then.

The team has just announced on the company’s official blog that their personal fitness tracking service now has tiptoed over the 10 million user mark — not too shabby, especially considering that roughly three million users have signed up for the service since the beginning of 2012.

If you’re still unacquainted with Endomondo, think of it as part personal trainer app and part fitness-focused Facebook. A crucial part of that experience is loading up and using one of Endomondo’s myriad mobile versions (the app is available on iOS, Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and all those other less ) to track workouts, which can then be shared with a community of like-minded fitness buffs. Users can cheer each other on through comments, and also respond to challenges designed to keep everyone involved pushing themselves to their limits.

Endomondo co-founder Mette Lykke pegs the service’s continued growth (according to her, the service picks up about 20,000 new users daily) on the strength of its social component. “Most of our users find it motivating to connect with friends, family and co-workers around fitness,” she said. “The fact that our service becomes more motivating with the more friends you’ve got is a key driver for Endomondo’s growth rate.”

To help celebrate their new milestone, Endomondo has compiled and released some new statistics about how people use their service — Endomondo tracks 250,000 user workouts everyday, with running claiming the crown as the most popular type of exercise tracked. Given the company’s international roots (it was founded out of Denmark), it may come as little surprise that a full 75% of the service’s users live outside of the United States. Interestingly enough, they seem to have been helped along by another social force — Endomondo says that their traffic has increased 150% since Facebook launched their love-it-or-hate-it Timeline design.

Read more : Social Fitness Tracker Endomondo Hits 10 Million Users, Tracks 250K Workouts Each Day

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