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‘And What Do You Bring To The Table?’ Watch Kids Grill Tech Leaders In Code Club Video

Code Club screenshot

We’ve all been there: appearing before someone important, having to sell yourself and your ideas, in the hopes of getting a job, funding, or just a break at doing something bigger. The video below, playing on the idea of a startup pitch parade, takes that nervewracking situation and turns it on its head, by giving the reigns to a panel of kids, and the job of pitching to some of the biggest successes in technology today.

Filmed during the tech leadership confab the Founders Forum, which just completed today in the UK, the video is made to raise the profile of Code Club, a new UK initiative to try to get more kids learning to code, by seeding after-school programs for 10-11 year-olds in schools across the country. The video features luminaries from the UK tech business world, with some international stars thrown in. I won’t spoil it by giving away the names but they’re good; watch for yourself below.

Code Club is being trialled in 25 schools right now (sadly my daughters’ primary is not one of them), with the aim to extend that to one quarter of all UK schools by 2014.

The idea behind the video — produced by the (very cool) digital agency Albion, along with Unruly and Hotspur&Argyle — is to remind people about how developing skills like coding could help save them from technology ignorance — either as future leaders themselves (doing the screening); or as would-be entrepreneurs (pitching for their lives).

Whether or not you think that might be too grand a hope, the video itself is awesome, and definitely worth a look.

Read more : ‘And What Do You Bring To The Table?’ Watch Kids Grill Tech Leaders In Code Club Video

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