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Q: Why Does Microsoft Need Yammer? A: To Save Sharepoint

Microsoft is reportedly set to acquire the Yammer business social network for an estimated $1 billion. The deal would give a much-needed social network injection to its Sharepoint business collaboration platform.

Yammer – with an estimated valuation of $500 million – makes business-oriented social network tools for internal company sharing and discussion centered on blog posts and automatically generated content (such as notifications that a document is ready to edit or a sale has been closed).

The companies aren’t talking, but this kind of software should be highly attractive for Microsoft, as it tries to move from being perceived as an old-school desktop software provider to being the source of modern, connected, social-media-aware solutions.

Sharepoint Is the Key

One key to that transition is the company’s flagship corporate collaboration platform SharePoint. And by Microsoft’s own admission, social tools are still weak within SharePoint – now, and in the upcoming 2013 version as well.

Sharepoint began adding social media

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